Each country and person has something unique to offer and the world is one incredible melting pot.
Last week Bhutan (21/3; balance, creativity, spiritual upliftment, wisdom) – that magical kingdom high up in the mountains of the Himalayas – announced they are now actively working towards becoming the first totally organic country in the world. Quite an ambition, but look at what they have already achieved… They have a small but highly educated citizenship. Smoking and plastic bags are completely banned, and their government bases its structure on ‘Gross National Happiness’ rather than materialism. Tourism is limited annually to 500k to preserve life at all levels. Indeed, Bhutan only flicked on television in 1999 (28/10/1 – courage, pioneering, vitality).
So is Bhutan trying to turn the clocks back pre-Industrial Revolution or are they a real shining light offering us a glimpse of our future? Whatever, they are setting a powerful blueprint, and we can learn from everyone.
© 2013 Copyright Sonia Ducie