Modern communications systems expire instantly as new technology emerges, leaving behind masses of literally use-less computer debris. Do you dare own a computer or mobile device that is more than 3 years old (in case you get left behind) or are you one of the chosen few who do not own a computer or mobile device at all! (Are we living on the same planet?)
In the good old days we’d write letters and send them by post, talk on home telephones, and meet up with people rather than text or Skype. But as wonderful as technology is when it works, emails and texts do have a habit of getting lost in the ethers. Wiki Leaks and Governments possess easy ways and means of accessing computers and tracking us 24/7. Twitter has succeeded in killing of privacy and revealing secrets. There is nowhere left to hide. Humanity is fast learning more about honesty and transparency.
But some people are retorting to using old-fashioned means of communication involving the human touch. In July (7) + 2013 (6) = 13/4 (make or break, opportunities for growth), Russia’s FSO agency placed a 486,540 rouble order (=27/9 long term commitment) for simple electric typewriters. Every typewriter has its own individual typing pattern (signature) so secret notes and reports can be traced and authenticated. They are written on paper and delivered by hand. (There are recycling and shredding facilities these days). It is believed that Russia’s defence and emergencies ministries have been using typewriters since 2009 (29/11 – new energy, hope, the light of consciousness) to avoid leaks.
So is this time for us to do a turn around or at least to be reminded to honour the simple pleasure of direct communication and soul contact? 2013 (= 6) is a year of great alchemy, spiritual transformation, and wholeness – harmony is the mission. In future people will rely on telepathy, which will wipe out the need for communications systems altogether. In the meantime we have choice.
© 2013 Copyright Sonia Ducie