Power Sharing: The Future of Politics

So who won this year’s spectacular Election? Confused? We will be, we have been, but the fog is clearing and the message is slowly sinking in. It’s a Coalition Government, and the first one in peacetime. Yes two opposite Political Parties have united, The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have fallen in love, but only time will tell if the relationship will last.
The Election took place on 6 May 2010 and the electorate narrowly missed the opportunity of a ‘Rainbow Government’- minority MPs from the UK sitting in Parliament for the first time with Labour and all joining forces. Caroline Lucas the first Green Party MP was elected in Brighton; she was duly inspired by the prospect of power sharing and so much inclusiveness. This was not to be as this was one step ahead of the game, but in any case we did receive the message loud and clear – power sharing is the politics of the future. We all know that pooling resources delivers more potent results and ‘we’re all in it together.’
However, the new Prime Minister Cameron grasped the opportunity for power sharing in a breathtaking and dynamic manner by forming an historic Coalition Government with Nick Clegg. Two Political Parties working together for common unity rather than picking on their differences, in order to provide a stable government. That is the intent. So let’s look at the numbers to see if a Hung (Balanced) Parliament is going to serve us all well.
ELECTION DATE 6.5.2010. This adds up to a 14/5, which is generally good for soul searching, achieving clarity, freeing up restrictions and for commitments. This vibration helps the mind to stir the loins into taking constructive actions. It offers us deeper messages and meanings from events and allows us to make sense of life. It can also produce unexpected change if our foundations are weak, so that the groundwork can then be laid securely. The Day Number 6 highlights service, fairness and justice, love and wisdom, devotion and duty.
Year 2010 = 3. Where have we been, what are we doing, what can we learn? We’re all learning to recognize what’s going on so that actions can be taken to move ahead. This 3 Year highlights diversification, freedom of expression, joy and creativity, and it is a year of expansion. It’s also a good time for tidying up loose ends. The chaotic energy of the number 3 teaches us to introspect in order to find our own way out of the confusion, so that we can discover our own voice and follow our soul purpose. Externally this vibration can create many distractions to lure us astray.
The Election took place is Week 18/9, highlighting the need for revaluation and time to digest situations, so that newfound wisdom can be expressed. Outdated systems, beliefs or values that are no longer serving us are ripped away, and decay released; it’s the end of a very long journey. During this cycle we can access enormous strength from within and experience a resurgence of positive energy. The number 18/9 highlights status, power and authority, but the lesson is humility, even when recognizing our own achievements. Yes it was a week of great transformation, but the experiment is over and now the work begins.
It took 5 days (change) of negotiations between Cameron, Clegg and Brown before we were delivered the final verdict. This came on the evening of 11.5.2010. This date adds up to19/10/1 during Week Number 19/10/1 of the year…a New Order emerging. It provides us with a sense of rebirth because we have reached a new level of understanding. Gordon Brown Resigned with dignity and passed over his Priministerial responsibilities. In his place were Cameron & Clegg – heralding in the light, and offering us hope.
Week and Day 19; the great revealer of the truth indicates that from now on politicians may need to become transparent in order for the process of government to function successfully and for the electorate to be able to keep faith. 19/10/1 highlights new direction, leadership, renewed purpose, inclusiveness, humility, knowledge and wisdom. It necessitates the right use of power, not selfishly for self but selflessly for humanity. It can be pressurizing but we need to accept our imperfections and carry on giving of our best.
So how long will the new bedfellows Cameron and Clegg remain on speaking terms and did they really surrender their Party’s Policies in order to gain power? The new Government took effect on 11th May. Number 11 highlights service, inspiration, passion, and provides a wake up call for humanity, and herein lays the answer. It’s a brave new world, and if all Parties remember to put the country first, then that 5-year Fixed Parliament term may fly by. It’s the death of tribal politics; we’re standing in the gateway of a whole new way of life.
Numbers subconsciously speak to us all the time. When one specific number jumps out at us repeatedly we need to take notice and listen to the message. This was evidently the number 36 (or 36/9) for The Conservatives in the Election: –
-Conservatives took 36% of Votes,
-Conservatives took hold of the most Seats in 36 years
-Conservatives won 306 (36) Seats overall
-Cameron; 306 MP’s gave him unanimous support to join forces with The Lib Dems and to support PR (proportional representation) to a degree
-Third Priminsterial Debate was aired on 29.4.2010; adds up to 36/9. This debate was considered to be the most powerful of the three, and it was here where Cameron truly shone.
In Numerology 36/9 highlights compassion, selfless service, and the ability to give one’s own desires over completely to the process of doing what’s needed at the time. Indeed it requires us to serve on every level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It offers the opportunity to apply the wisdom from every very cell of our body and soul. 36/9 also highlights idealism, but that can inspire people to go for their goals – and they did.
Gordon Brown resigned twice: 10.5.2010 (date adds up to 18/9) and 11.5.2011 (date adds up to 19/10/1). So from the ashes of the old (18) lay the foundations for a new life (19); the light had sunk in and all was well. There are new goals for Gordon and a new path ahead.
Wish them all well.
© Copyright Sonia Ducie 2010

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