Numbers In The News (31). U-Turns On Life

We’ve all changed our minds about a situation and gone from one extreme to the other, but it’s all a part of life. So why do we fuss when friends, family or governments do ‘U-Turns?’

Firstly, U-Turns can upset the apple cart because they demand us to make (sometimes) instant adjustments and face new situations or a . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News (31). U-Turns On Life

Numbers In The News. (30) Every One’s A Winner. 30th Olympiad. ‘London 2012’.

How wonderful to witness country flags proudly blowing together at smart Olympic venues around the UK. The Olympics is indeed inspiring the next generation. Everyone wants to win, but let’s explore what this really means Numerologically.

The word ‘win’ = 19/10/1. The energy of Sirius, pure brilliant sun light that guides us forwards. Vital, energetic, focussed, it . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News. (30) Every One’s A Winner. 30th Olympiad. ‘London 2012’.

Numbers In The News (29). ‘No Regrets.’

Recent research by ‘Electric Zebra’ revealed that 50% out of the 2000 people they recently interviewed, indicated that regrets influenced the way they lived their lives, yet two thirds said it had led them to think and act more positively, and that they had learned from those experiences. 50/5 – time for change, communication, and breakthroughs.

It also said that Britons spend 44 minutes . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News (29). ‘No Regrets.’

Numbers In The News (28). Invisible Art: The Power of No-thing.

Gazing at number symbols helps us contact intuition, and to ‘lose ourselves’ by disappearing into the subconscious mind – the realm of infinite potential. Numbers provide a bridge to the unseen soul – a space of pure connection and consciousness.
The ‘Invisible Art Exhibition’ at the Hayward Gallery in London is also providing opportunities for us to . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News (28). Invisible Art: The Power of No-thing.

Numbers In The News (27). The Queen’s Special Year: Diamond Jubilee 2012.

The Queen’s celebrated her 86th birthday on 21st April 2012, so her Personal Year Number is a 30/3 or 3. This number is key to the type of experiences that may await Her Majesty this year. What a perfect time for a Jubilee Celebration – the 3 is ideal for entertainment, and brings great joy and . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News (27). The Queen’s Special Year: Diamond Jubilee 2012.

Numbers In The News (26). Hard Work Counts.

The ‘Work Harder’ mantram is resounding sharply around the UK after recent comments made by Foreign Secretary William Hague indicated that we need to apply extra elbow grease to work our way our of recession. Good idea in principle. But what does ‘work harder’ mean to a single mother of 3 children who also holds down . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News (26). Hard Work Counts.

Numbers In The News 25. ‘A Day To Make A Difference.’

8th May is designated ‘World Red Cross Day’ in celebration of the birth date of its Founder Henri Dunant. The global theme for 2012 is “Together for Humanity”, and it intends to highlight the importance of forging local and global associations.

The International Red Cross was founded on 17 February 1863 by Henri (36/9) Dunant . . . → Read More: Numbers In The News 25. ‘A Day To Make A Difference.’


How proud it feels to be a host nation for The Olympic Games, and to welcome in our neighbours to share in this momentous event. Every 4 years (4 the link between past, present and future) a different country prepares itself – with inspired creativity – to welcome in the light. This year, the Olympic Torch . . . → Read More: NUMBERS IN THE NEWS 24: THE OLYMPIC TORCH – FOLLOW THE LIGHT.


There are 28 days of February and 29 in any Leap Year. An additional day is added in February every 4 years to adjust the natural variances of the seasonal cycles to the actual calendar.

29th or 29/11/2 (2+9 = 11; 1+1= 2) is a fantastic day for taking a leap of faith and aligning to . . . → Read More: NUMBERS IN THE NEWS (23): LEAP YEARS


Opinions count -but some more than others it appears. Credit Rating Agency (CRA) Standard & Poor’s opinions seem to shout the loudest and cause maximum effect. It delivers blow after blow with it’s dramatic, dreaded ‘downgrading’ of currencies and organizations around the world. But can S&P (7+1 = 8 – power, control) or anyone’s opinions always . . . → Read More: NUMBERS IN THE NEWS (22): WHAT’S YOUR OPINION?